Solopreneurship for Software Developers

From Zero to $30K in 5 Months

From Zero to $30K in 5 Months: Lessons from Larafast’s Success

He made $30,000 in 5 months by solving a common developer pain point.

Sergey Karakhanyan, the developer behind Larafast, identified a significant pain point in the Laravel development community: the time-consuming process of setting up a SaaS project.

His solution? Larafast, a Laravel starter kit designed to save developers over 20 hours of development time.

Larafast is packed with essential components for launching a SaaS quickly, these include subscriptions and one-time payments, registration, social auth, magic link, Admin dashboard, blog pages, SEO, and more.

Larafast offers two popular stacks: TALL (Tailwind, Alpine.js, Laravel, Livewire) and VILT (Vue.js, Inertia.js, Laravel, Tailwind). A single license grants access to both stacks


Sergey’s marketing strategy for Larafast combines active and passive approaches on social media platforms, primarily Twitter and LinkedIn.

He regularly shares the ups, downs, revenue, and he consistently engages with the developer community. This helps create trust and authority and ultimately results in sales.


Identify common pain points in your niche

Create solutions that offer significant time savings

Provide flexibility by supporting multiple popular tech stacks

Embrace transparency to build trust and authority

Utilize multiple social media platforms to reach a wider audience

Share both successes and challenges to create authentic connections

Rapid Growth and Market Validation

In just 5 months, Larafast achieved remarkable success:

– Total Revenue: $30,114.40

– Number of Sales: Approximately 200

– Average Revenue per Sale: $150.57

When you put all these together, it shows that:

1. There’s a strong market for developer tools that save time and streamline processes

2. Pricing your product at a premium can be justified if it offers significant value

3. Rapid success is possible with the right product and marketing strategy

Sergey Karakhanyan’s success with Larafast demonstrates the potential for developers to create profitable products by addressing specific needs in their community.

By focusing on time-saving solutions, offering flexibility, and maintaining transparent communication, Larafast has quickly established itself as a leading Laravel starter kit.

For developers looking to create their own successful products, the key takeaways are:

1. Solve a real problem in your niche

2. Offer flexibility and comprehensive solutions

3. Build in public and engage with your community

4. Be transparent about your journey, including both successes and challenges

By following these principles, you too could potentially create a product that resonates with developers and ultimately achieve significant financial success.

You can check out Larafast or follow Sergey’s journey on LinkedIn