Solopreneurship for Software Developers

Making $25,000/month in a competitive niche

In the competitive world of link-in-bio tools, one developer’s creation has managed to stand out and achieve remarkable success.

Charlie Clark, the creator of Liinks, has built a tool that not only serves over 10,000 users but also generates an impressive $25,000 in monthly recurring revenue (MRR).

Liinks is a tool designed to help artists, creators, small business owners, and other professionals centralize their online presence.

In an age where individuals often maintain multiple social media accounts, host content on various platforms, and need to direct their audience to different resources, having a single, comprehensive “home base” for all these links becomes crucial.

Liink’s success is evident in its user base, with over 10,000 individuals and businesses relying on it to manage their online presence.

The growth was so significant that by August 2024, Charlie Clark was able to quit his full-time job and focus entirely on developing and growing Liinks.


Liinks’ revenue model is based on a tiered subscription system. After experimenting with different price points, Charlie settled on two main tiers:

1. Premium: $4 per month

2. Pro: $10 per month.

The experimentation with prices ($2.99, $3.99, $5) before settling on the current model demonstrates Charlie’s commitment to finding the right balance.

As of August 2024, Liinks achieved a significant milestone: $25,000 in monthly recurring revenue (MRR).

This level of income not only validates the tool’s value proposition but also provides a stable foundation for future growth and development.


Charlie employed several strategies to market and distribute Liinks:

Cold Outreach: In the early stages, when Liinks operated on a freemium model, Charlie personally targeted Instagram users who didn’t have link-in-bio pages.

He would create pages for them and then reach out, encouraging them to try Liinks. This hands-on approach helped to build an initial user base and gather valuable feedback.

Product-led Growth: As Liinks gained traction, its visibility increased organically.

The “” URL appearing in users’ social bios and the “Made with Liinks” badge at the bottom of profiles generated curiosity and led to organic traffic growth.

User Feedback: Charlie emphasizes the importance of listening to user feedback, which provided great ideas for improving and expanding the product.

Social Media Advertising: In the early days, Instagram ads proved very effective in acquiring new customers.

This approach aligns well with Liinks’ target audience of creators and small businesses who are often active on the platform.

Google Ads: More recently, Charlie has found Google Ads to be the most cost-effective method for converting new users.

Twitter Engagement: Charlie shares updates and insights about Liinks on Twitter.

This strategy serves multiple purposes: building authority in the space, attracting new customers, and maintaining transparency with the user base.


Iterate on Pricing: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different price points. Charlie tried several options before finding the right balance that worked for both users and the business.

Engage in Direct Outreach: In the early stages, personal outreach can be a powerful way to gain initial users and feedback.

Charlie’s approach of creating pages for potential users before reaching out was particularly innovative.

Leverage Product-led Growth: Design your product in a way that naturally encourages word-of-mouth growth. Features like branded URLs or “powered by” badges can drive organic discovery.

Listen to Your Users: Some of the best ideas for product improvements and new features can come directly from your user base. Establish channels for receiving and acting on user feedback.

Diversify Marketing Channels: What works best may change over time. Be prepared to shift your marketing focus as your product evolves and grows.

Charlie moved from Instagram ads to Google Ads as he found them more effective for conversions.

Build in Public: Sharing your journey, like Charlie does on Twitter and Indie hackers, can help build authority, attract users, and create a sense of transparency that users appreciate.

Focus on Value: Liinks’ success comes from addressing a real need (centralizing online presence) in an appealing way (beautiful, engaging pages).

Ensure your product provides tangible value to your target audience.

Persistence Pays Off: It took time for Liinks to reach $25,000 MRR. Don’t be discouraged if success doesn’t come overnight.

Consistent effort and improvement can lead to significant growth.

By following these principles and remaining adaptable, Charlie Clark turned Liinks from a side project into a thriving business in a competitive niche.

For developers looking to create successful products, Liinks serves as an inspiring example of what’s possible with the right idea, execution, and perseverance.

You can follow Charlie Clark’s journey on Twitter or you can try out Liinks here