Solopreneurship for Software Developers

Useless npm packages

6 Useless npm packages

Here are 5 of the most useless npm packages that you should never install.


Initially, you would think this is the best package ever made, until you run it and it returns 42. That’s it, no amazing quote, wisdom from the past, nothing.

This useless package has 1600 weekly downloads.


This package returns true if the value is a finite number. If you find this package useful, I have an infinite number of questions to ask you.

This package has a mind-blowing 84,000,000+ weekly downloads. Why????


This package only returns true or false if the number passed in is odd, and is an integer that does not exceed the JavaScript MAXIMUM_SAFE_INTEGER

Surprisingly, this package has 367,000+ downloads.

You easily achieve this in just one line of code.


This package checks if the number is ten thousand and returns true or false if not ten thousand.

It has 14 weekly downloads. I guess developers just downloaded out of curiosity.


This package returns the Boolean value true and it has 650 weekly downloads.

Why on God’s green earn would you go through the hustle of installing a package that does this. This should be a crime.


Well, there cant be a true package with having a false one. This package returns the Boolean value false and it has 3,400 weekly downloads.

Goodluck justifying why you downloaded such a useless package.


This package returns true if the platform is windows. UMD module, works with node.js, commonjs, browser, AMD, electron, etc.

For reasons I can never understand, this package has 20,569,800+ weekly downlands.

Do you really need a package to check if the platform is windows.

It actually takes more time to install this package than it takes to write your own one line of code to check if platform is windows.