Solopreneurship for Software Developers

Arkim Phiri

Arkim Phiri

programmers working together

How Do Multiple Programmers Work Together

How do many programmers work together on the same project? Multiple programmers work together by using team management tools and version control systems like Git (distributed), Mercurial (distributed), and Subversion (centralized). There is a variation in how tasks are assigned…

web developers know networking

Do Web Developers Need to Know Networking

Do Web Developers need to know Networking? To be an effective developer in this competitive industry, web developers need to have a good understanding of the basics of networking, especially the APPLICATION LAYER of the TCP/IP model. Web developers must…

programmers use mac

Why Do Programmers Use Macs

Why do Programmers use Macs? Programmers use macs for various reasons, some use macs for efficiency, others for prestige, and others for the love of the Apple ecosystem. One of the biggest reasons why programmers macs are to develop apps…

math web development

Does Web Development Require Math

Does web development require math? You definitely need the most basic understanding of math for most web development projects. Having a good understanding of basic arithmetic is required for all of web development. You should be able to carry out…

will apps replace websites

Will Mobile Apps Replace Websites

Will mobile apps replace websites? Mobile apps are not meant to replace websites, they are developed to take advantage of the native features of mobile devices in delivering a good user experience. Depending on what you would want to access…

Should Programmers Read Books

Should programmers read books? Reading programming books that teach you programming languages and frameworks is more often a waste of time, there is far much better content on youtube in that regard and websites will provide better content than books.…